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Darby, Michael .
Fenestellidium canfordanum, a new species of featherwing beetle (Col., Ptilidae) from South Africa / Michael Darby // Entomologist's monthly magazine. - 2011. - b Vol. 147/b , b № 1763-1765/b . - С.93-96 : ил. - Библиогр.: с. 96

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Darby, Michael .
Validation of two beetle species names (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) / Michael Darby // Entomologist's monthly magazine. - 2015. - b Vol. 151/b , b № 2/b . - C.130

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Darby, Michael .
David Ridley Nash (1942-2014) / Michael Darby // Entomologist's monthly magazine. - 2016. - b Vol. 152/b , b № 1/b . - C.78

Доп.точки доступа: Nash, David W. (1942-2014) \о нем\
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Darby, Michael .
Studies of Peruvian Ptiliidae (Coleoptera) 6: new species and records of Acrotrichini / Michael Darby // Entomologist's monthly magazine. - 2017. - b Vol. 153/b , b № 3/b . - C.179-203 : ил. - Библиогр.: с. 203

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Darby, Michael .
Studies of Ptiliidae (Coleoptera) in the spirit collection of the Natural History Museum, London 2: new species and records from P. hammond's visit to New Zeland in 1983-84 / Michael Darby // Entomologist's monthly magazine. - 2018. - b Vol. 154/b , b № 3/b . - C.179-196 : ил. - Библиогр.: с. 196

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Darby, Michael .
Studies of Ptiliidae (Coleoptera) in the Spirit Collection of the Natural History Museum, London, 3: new species and records from the expedition to SW Africa in 1971-1972 / Michael Darby // Entomologist's monthly magazine. - 2018. - b Vol. 154/b , b № 4/b . - C.233-260 : ил. - Библиогр.: с. 259-260

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