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Общее количество найденных документов : 7
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Van, de Kamp .
Principles of astrometry, [Text] : библиография / de Kamp, Peter, Van de Kamp. - San Francisco : W. H. Freeman, [1967]. - 227 p : il + 25 cm.. - Includes bibliographies.

Рубрики: Astrometry.
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News Problems in Astrometry. [Text] : Symposium №61. / International Astronomical Union. ; International Astronomical Union. - Dordrecht : Reidel Publishing Company, 1974. - 344 p : il + 25 cm.. - ISBN 90-277-0445-7 .
Perth, Australia, August 13-17, 1973

Рубрики: Astrometry.
Доп.точки доступа: Gliese, W. \ed.\; Murray , C.A. \ed.\; Tucker, R.H. \ed.\; International Astronomical Union.
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Eichhorn, (Heinrich Karl), .
Astronomy of star positions [Text] / Heinrich K. Eichhorn. a critical investigation of star catalogues, the methods of their construction, and their purpose. - New York : Ungar, [1974]. - 357 p + 26 cm.. - Bibliography: p. 325-347.. - ISBN 0804441871.

Рубрики: Astrometry.

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Refractional Influences in Astrometry and Geodesy. [Text] : Symposium №89. / International Astronomical Union. ; ed.: E. Tengstrom, G. Teleki . - Dordrecht : Reidel Publishing Company, 1979. - 414 p : il + 25 cm.
Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala, Sweden, August 1-5, 1978

Рубрики: Astrometry.
Доп.точки доступа: Tengstrom, E. \ed.\; Teleki , G. \ed.\; International Astronomical Union.
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Scheffler, Helmut (1928-).
Physics of the Galaxy and Interstellar Matter: With 207 fig. [Text] / Helmut Scheffler, H. Elsasser ; пер. A. H. Armstrong. - Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1987.. - 492 p : il + 25 cm.. - (Astronomy and astrophysics library). - ISBN 3-540-17314-5.
Translation of: Bau und Physik der Galaxis. Subject index p. 489-492

Рубрики: Galaxies.
   Interstellar matter.


Доп.точки доступа: Elsasser, H.; Armstrong, A. H. \пер.\
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Soffel, Michael H. .
Relativity in astrometry, celestial mechanics, and geodesy [Text] : библиография / Michael H. Soffel. - Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1989.. - 208 p : il + 25 cm.. - (Astronomy and astrophysics library). - Bibliography: p. [195]-204.. - ISBN 3-540-18906-8.
Some ill. on lining papers. Includes index.

Рубрики: Astrometry.
   Celestial mechanics.


   General relativity (Physics)

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Dīriķis, Matīss .
Pazīsti zvaigžņoto debesi! [Text] : библиография / M. Dīriķis. - Rīga : Latvijas PSR Zinātņu Akadēmijas izdevniecība, 1958. - 144 p. : il + 21 cm.. - Includes bibliographies.

Рубрики: Astrometry.

   Time measurements.


Доп.точки доступа: Dirikis, M.
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