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Общее количество найденных документов : 30
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Limited variations in mitochondrial DNA of maize-associated Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Russia, Turkey and Slovenia/Sugihiko Hoshizaki [et al.] // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.545-552

Sezutsu Leucine-rich fibroin gene of the Japanese wild silkmoth, Rhodinia fugax (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)/Hideki Sezutsu, Toshiki Tamura, Kenji Yukuhiro // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.561-566

Glutathione S-transferases from the larval gut of the silkworm Bombyx mori: cDNA cloning, gene structure, expression and distribution/Zhong Zheng Gui [et al.] // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.567-574

Socha Regulation of the development of flight muscles in long-winged adults of the flightless bug Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae)/Radomír Socha, Jan Šula // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.575-583

Saunders Light-induced behavioural effects on the locomotor activity rhythm of the blow fly, Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae)/David S. Saunders, Bronislaw Cymborowski // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.585-590

Endogenous 20-hydroxyecdysone levels in the haemolymph of non-diapause-destined and diapause-destined generations of tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) and associated developmental changes/Dinesh Kumar [et al.] // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.591-598

The effect of temperature on the diapause and cold hardiness of Dendrolimus tabulaeformis (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)/Ju-Ping Zeng [et al.] // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.599-606

Influence of pre-diapause temperature on intensity of summer and winter diapause in the cabbage butterfly Pieris melete (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)/Hai-Jun Xiao [et al.] // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.607-611

Role of volatile and contact pheromones in the mating behaviour of Bagrada hilaris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)/Salvatore Guarino [et al.] // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.613-617

Fantinou Effect of larval crowding on the life history traits of Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)/Argyro A. Fantinou, Dionyssios C. Perdikis, Nikolaos Stamogiannis // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.625-630

Devetak Substrate particle size-preference of wormlion Vermileo vermileo (Diptera: Vermileonidae) larvae and their interaction with antlions/Dušan Devetak // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.631-635

Sielezniew Myrmica sabuleti (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) not necessary for the survival of the population of Phengaris (Maculinea) arion (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in eastern Poland: Lower host-ant specificity or evidence for geographical variation of an endangered social parasite?/Marcin Sielezniew, Anna M. Stankiewicz // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.637-641

Experimental evidence for competitive exclusion of Myzus persicae nicotianae by Myzus persicae s.s. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on sweet pepper, Capsicum annuum (Solanaceae)/Daniel H. Tapia [et al.] // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.643-648

Hardy Resources for British butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea: Papilionoidea). The alien consumer component and its significance for butterfly habitats/Peter B. Hardy, Roger L. H. Dennis // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.649-657

Poniatowski The classification of insect communities: Lessons from orthopteran assemblages of semi-dry calcareous grasslands in central Germany/Dominik Poniatowski, Thomas Fartmann // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.659-671

Fartmann Orthopteran communities in the conifer-broadleaved woodland zone of the Russian Far East/Thomas Fartmann, Martin Behrens, Holger Loritz // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.673-680

Dekoninck Establishment of ant communities in forests growing on former agricultural fields: Colonisation and 25 years of management are not enough (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)/Wouter Dekoninck, Konjev Desender, Patrick Grootaert // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.681-689

Insects on decomposing carcasses of small rodents in a secondary forest in Southeastern Brazil/Thiago de Carvalho Moretti, Odair Benedito Ribeiro, Patrícia Jacqueline Thyssen, Daniel Russ Solis // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.691-696

Niitsu The developmental process during metamorphosis that results in wing reduction in females of three species of wingless-legged bagworm moths, Taleporia trichopterella, Bacotia sakabei and Proutia sp. (Lepidoptera: Psychidae)/Shuhei Niitsu, Yukimasa Kobayashi // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.697-706

Wieczorek Morphology and ultrastructure of the male reproductive system of the woolly beech aphid Phyllaphis fagi (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Phyllaphidinae)/Karina Wieczorek, Piotr Świątek // European journal of entomology, 2008. т.Vol. 105,N № 4.-С.707-712
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