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ЭК отдела БАН при Институте химии силикатов им. И.В.Гребенщикова РАН (ИХС) - результаты поиска

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Общее количество найденных документов : 139
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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60      

Adolfson E. Phase stability and preparation of oxide-apatite composites/E. Adolfson. - 1999

Chawla K.K. Composite materials: Science and Engineering/K.K. Chawla. - 1987

Morena J.J. Advanced composite molg making/J.J. Morena. - 1988

Scherer G.W. Relaxation in glass and composites/G.W. Scherer. - 1992

Scherer G.W. Relaxation in glass and composites/G. W. Scherer. - 1986

Science of ceramic chemical processing : Proc. of the Second Intern. conf. on ultrastructure processing of ceramics, glasses, and composites, held Febr. 25 -Mar. 1, 1985 in Palm Coast, FL /Intern. conf. on ultrastructure processing of ceramics, glasses, and composites (2 ; 1985 ; Paim Coast, FL) . - 1986

Structural phase transitions in layered transition metal compounds/ed. : K. Motizuki. - 1986

Tailoring multiphase and composite ceramics: Proc. of the Twenty-first Univ. conf. on ceramic science, held July 17-19, 1985, at the Pennsylvania st. univ., University Park, PA/Ed. by Richard E. Tressler et al.. - 1986

The optimization of composition, structure and properties of metals, oxides, composites, nano- and amorphous materials : 15th Israeli-Russian bi-national workshop, September 26-30 2016, Yekaterinburg /main ed.: E. Pastukhov, M. Zinigrad. - 2016

The optimization of composition, structure and properties of metals, oxides, composites, nano- and amorphous materials : proceedings of the seventh Israeli-Russian bi-national workshop 2008, Aug. 4-11/RAS, Inst. Metall. UB RAS. - 2008
 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60