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Общее количество найденных документов : 17
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 1-10    11-17 

Cichowicz, Ludosław .
Astronomia sferyczna. [Text] / L. Cichowicz. - Warszawa : [s. n.], 1965.. - 179 p.

Рубрики: Spherical astronomy.
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Woolard, (Edgar William), .
Spherical astronomy [Text] / [by] Edgar W. Woolard [and] Gerald M. Clemence. - New York : Academic Press, 1966.. - 453 p : il + 24 cm.

Рубрики: Spherical astronomy.
Доп.точки доступа: Clemence, (Gerald Maurice) \joint author.\
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Chauvenet, William (1820-1870.).
A manual of spherical and practical astronomy ... [Text].
Vol. I . / William, Chauvenet. - 5th ed., rev. and corr. - New York : Dover Publications, [1960]. - 708 p. : il + 22 cm.. - Содержание: v. 1. Spherical astronomy.
"Unabridged and unaltered republication of the fifth revised and corrected edition (copyright, 1891)"

Рубрики: Spherical astronomy.
   Astronomical instruments.

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Chauvenet, William (1820-1870.).
A manual of spherical and practical astronomy ... [Text].
Vol. II. / William, Chauvenet. - 5th ed., rev. and corr. - New York : Dover Publications, [1960]. - 631 p. : il + 22 cm.. - Содержание: v. 2. Astronomical instruments.
"Unabridged and unaltered republication of the fifth revised and corrected edition (copyright, 1891)"

Рубрики: Spherical astronomy.
   Astronomical instruments.

   Least squares.

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Boquet, Félix (1852-1929).
Les Observations méridiennes [Text] : Instruments et Méthodes d'Observation.
Tome Premier / F. Boquet. - Paris : [s. n.], 1909. - 314 p. : il., Avec 96 figures dans le texte.. - (Encyclopèdie scientifique. Bibliothèque d'astronomie et de physique céleste. ). - Bibliographique: p. 305-309

Рубрики: Spherical astronomy.
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Boquet, Félix (1852-1929).
Les Observations méridiennes. [Text] : Corrections instrumentales et Equations Personelles.
Tome Second / F. Boquet. - Paris : [s. n.], 1909. - 342 p. : il., Avec 66 figures dans le texte.. - (Encyclopèdie scientifique. Bibliothèque d'astronomie et de physique céleste. ). - Index Bibliographique: p. 309-331

Рубрики: Spherical astronomy.
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Mueller, Ivan Istvan (1930-).
Spherical and Practical Astronomy: As Applied to Geodesy. [Text] : библиография / Mueller. With a contribution by Heinrich Eichhorn. - New York : F. Ungar Pub. Co., [1969]. - 615 p. : il., карты + 24 cm.. - Includes bibliographies.

Рубрики: Spherical astronomy.
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Mackie, (John Bullamore) .
The elements of astronomy for surveyors [Text] : библиография / [by] J.B. Mackie. - 6th ed. - London : Griffin, 1971. - 292 p : il + 23 cm.. - Includes bibliographical references.
"Based upon the fifth edition of the standard work originally witten by the late Sir Robert Chapman."

Рубрики: Spherical astronomy.
Доп.точки доступа: Chapman, R.W.
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Chauvenet, William (1820-1870. [from old catalog]).
A manual of spherical and practical astronomy [Text] : embracing the general problems of spherical astronomy, the special applications to nautical astronomy, and the theory and use of fixed and portable astronomical instruments.
Vol. II / William, Chauvenet. - Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & co., 1889.. - 632 p. : + 15 p. il. + 25 cm.

Рубрики: Spherical astronomy.
   Astronomical instruments.

   Least squares.

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Chapman, Robert William (1866-1942.).
The elements of astronomy for surveyors. [Text] / Robert William, Chapman. - 5th ed.,, rev. and enl. by J. B. Mackie. - London : C. Griffin, [1953]. - 245 p : il + 22 cm.

Рубрики: Spherical astronomy.
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 1-10    11-17