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 1-10    11-13 

Чайковский Ю. В. Автопоэз/Ю. В. Чайковский. - 2018

Хрянин В.Н. Эволюция и регуляция пола у растений/В. Н. Хрянин . - 2000

Оганезова Г. Г. Проблемы рода Colchicum L./ред. М. Э. Оганесян. - 2019

Shapcott A. The potential implications of rainforest history, hybridization, and climate change on the phylogenetics of a rare genus of herbs Romnalda (Dasypogonaceae) from New Guinea and Australia/A. Shapcott, B. Bau, P. Katik // Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008. т.Vol. 157,N № 3.-С.455–474

Nybom H. DNA markers and morphometry reveal multiclonal and poorly defined taxa in an apomictic Cotoneaster species complex/H. Nybom, I.V. Bartish // Taxon, 2007. т.Vol. 56,N № 1.-С.119-128

Stebbins G. L. Adaptive shifts toward hummingbird pollination/G. L. Stebbins // The Evolutionary Ecology of Plants. -Boulder ; San Francisco ; London, 1989.-С.39-60

Hamrick J. L. The genetic structure of tropical tree populations: associations with reproductive biology/J. L. Hamrick, M. D. Loveless // The Evolutionary Ecology of Plants. -Boulder ; San Francisco ; London, 1989.-С.129-146

Barrett S. C. H. The evolutionary breakdown of heterostyly/S. C. H. Barrett // The Evolutionary Ecology of Plants. -Boulder ; San Francisco ; London, 1989.-С.151-169

Cruden R. W. Facultative xenogamy: examination of a mixed mating system/R. W. Cruden, D. L. Lyon // The Evolutionary Ecology of Plants. -Boulder ; San Francisco ; London, 1989.-С.171-207

Cox P. A. Baker's Law: plant breeding systems and island colonization/P. A. Cox // The Evolutionary Ecology of Plants. -Boulder ; San Francisco ; London, 1989.-С.209-224
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