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 1-10    11-20   21-30  

Catalogues of the collections in the Showa memorial institute, National museum of nature and science, Tokyo. № 6:Specimens of the plant collected in the Imperial palace and the Imperial villas pt. 3: Sympetalae (Diapensiaceae - Compositae). - 2010

Catalogues of the collections in the Showa memorial institute, National museum of nature and science, Tokyo. № 7:Specimens of the plant collected in the Imperial Palace and the Imperial villas pt. 4: Monocotyledonae, Gymnospermae, and Pteridophyta. - 2010

Catalogues of the collections in the Showa memorial institute, National museum of nature and science, Tokyo. № 5:Specimens of the plants collected in the Imperial palace and the Imperial villas pt. 2: Archichlamydeae II: (Rosaceae- Umbelliferae). - 2009

A list of fossil and extant plant speciments collected by dr. Shigeru Miki/written and edited: Shohei Kokawa, Minoru Tsukagoshi, Mutsuhiko Minaki, Arata Momohara. - 2006

Camoletto Pasin R. Fogli botanici/Rosa Camoletto. - 2008

Мохи з колекцiï Рудольфа Вiльчека у гербарiï Львiвського нацiонального унiверситету iменi Iвана Франка (LW)/Львiвский нацiональний унiверситет iменi Iвана Франка. - 2011

Kalinauskaitė N. The bryophyte flora of Bromarv, southwest Finland, based on Hans Buch's reliquiae and other collections/Nijolė Kalinauskaitė & Sinikka Piippo. - 2010

Flora del Paraguay. Serie especial № 6:Catalogus Hasslerianus/por Lorenzo Ramella Pt. 3. - 2010

Catalogues of the collections in the Showa memorial institute, National museum of nature and science, Tokyo. № 4:Specimens of the plants collected in the Imperial palace and the Imperial villas Pt. 1: Archichlamydeae I (Myricaceae-Pittosporaceae). - 2008

Flora del Paraguay. Serie especial № 7:Catalogus Hasslerianus/por Lorenzo Ramella Pt. 4. - 2011
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