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Общее количество найденных документов : 17
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A new mitochondrial lineage in the edible dormouse, Glis glis (Rodentia: Gliridae), from Alonissos island (Sporades archipelago, Greece)/Riccardo Castiglia [et al.] // Folia zoologica, 2012. т.Vol. 61,N № 2.-С.177-180

Kang A quick reverse northern technique to confirm differentially displayed PCR bands/Daiwu Kang. - 1997

International congress of acarology (9 ; 1994 ; Columbus (OH)) Acarology 9. Vol. 2:Symposia [invited talks from the 9th International congress of acarology, July 17-22, 1994, Columbus, Ohio]/eds. : Glen R. Needham, Rodger Mitchell, David J. Horn, W. Calvin Welbourn. - 1999

Isasawin Characterization and evaluation of microsatellite markers in a strain of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae), with a genetic sexing character used in sterile insect population control/Siriwan Isasawin, Nidchaya Aketarawong, Sujinda Thanaphum // European journal of entomology, 2012. т.Vol. 109,N № 3.-С.331-338

Gyldenholm A.O. Det Gen-Sklabte Menneske/A.O. Gyldenholm. - 1998

Evolution in the Sorex araneus group: cytogenetic and molecular aspects [Papers from Sixth Meeting of the International Sorex araneus Cytogenetics Commmittee (ISACC) and associated Symposium in Honour of Professor Karl Fredga, Paris, France, September 3 - 7, 2002/Ed.: V.T. Volobouev. - 2003

Evolution: a molecular point of view: Proc. of a workshop sponsored by the Center for advanced studies in the space life sciences at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 24-26 Oct. 1997. - 1999

Lewin, Benjamin Gene expression. Vol. 2:Eucaryotic chromosomes. - 1974

Identification and validation of genetic markers associated with Meloidogyne incognita race 2 resistance in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr/Hendrika Fourie [et al.] // Nematology, 2008. т.Vol. 10,N pt 5.-С.651-661

Deuve T. Illustrated catalogue of the genus Carabus of the World (Coleoptera: Carabidae)/T. Deuve. - 2004

Hoy Insect molecular genetics: An introduction to principles and applications/Marjorie Hoy. - 2003

Molecular ecology of aquatic communities: [Papers from the Special session was held at the American Society for Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1997]/Ed.: J.P. Zehr, M.A. Voytek. - 1999

Molecular genetics of marine mammals: Incorporating the proceedings on the Analysis of genetic data to adress problems of stock identity as related to management of marine mammals, held in Sept.1994, [La Jolla, California]/Ed.: A.E. Dizon, S.J. Chivers, W.F. Perrin; D. Wartzok. - 1997

New developments in the biology of Chrysomelidae/ed. by Pierre H. A. Jolivet, Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, Michael Schmitt. - 2004

Giribet G. Some unusual small-subunit ribosomal RNA sequences of metazoans/G. Giribet, W.C. Wheeler. - 2001

Beresford P. Speciation in African forest robins (Stiphrornis): Species limits, phylogenetic relationships, and molecular biogeography/Pamela Beresford a. Joel Cracraft. - 1999

Bensch Ten years of AFLP in ecology and evolution: why so few animals?/Staffan Bensch, Mikael Åkesson. - 2006