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Общее количество найденных документов : 16
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 1-10    11-16 

Welsch Einfuhrung in Cytologie und Histologie der Tiere/Ulrich Welsch, Volker Storch. - 1973

The role of cell-cell interactions and environmental stimuli in the development of marine invertebrates: [Papers from the Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, 27-30 Dec.1993, at Los Angeles, California].. - 1995

Schaefer S.A. Relationships of Lithogenes villosus Eigenmann, 1909 (Siluriformes, Loricariidae): Evidence from high-resolution computed microtomography/S.A. Schaefer; S.A. Schaeffer. - 2003

Relexans Contribution a l'étude expérimentale de la différenciation sexuelle chez un hermaphrodite simultané (Eisenia foetida Sav.) : thèse présentée a la faculté des sciences de l'Univ. de Bordeaux pour obtenir le grade de docteur en biologie animale/Jean-Claude Relexans. - 1970

Solntseva Morphology of the auditory and vestibular organs in mammals, with emphasis on marine species/Galina N Solntseva; Ed. V.M. Belkovitch2007

Dornesco G. Th. La structure et la circulation du sang dans les arthrobranchies et les podobranchies de la langouste/G. Th. Dornesco, V. Homei. - 1940

Conference internationale sur la culture de tissus d'invertebres(4 ; 1975 ; Montreal).4 Conference internationale sur la culture de tissus d'invertebres /Universite de Montreal. - [1975]

Stem cells : Their identification and characterisation/ed. by Christopher S. Potten. - 1983

Tolstenkov The neuro-muscular system in trematodes - from larvae to adult : [acad. diss. ... Åbo acad. univ.]/Oleg O. Tolstenkov. - 2011

The Neuro-muscular system in cercaria with different patterns of locomotion/Oleg O. Tolstenkov, Vladimir V. Prokofiev, Nadezhda B. Terenina, Margaretha K. S. Gustafsson. - 2011
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