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Общее количество найденных документов : 11
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 1-10    11-11 

Hobbs A comparative study of functional morphology of the male reproductive systems in the Astacidea with emphasis on the freshwater crayfishes (Crustacea: Decapoda)/Horton H. Hobbs, Margaret C. Harvey, Horton H. Hobbs. - 2007

Abel Die Stämme der Wirbeltiere/von Othenio Abel. - 1919

Panyutina Flight of mammals: from terrestrial limbs to wings/Aleksandra A. Panyutina, Leonid P. Korzun, Alexander N. Kuznetsov. - 2015

Pedraza Morfología comparada del esqueleto axial en la familia de cangrejos de agua dulce Trichodactylidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura)/Manuel Pedraza, Célio Magalhães, Marcos Tavares. - 2015

Bitsch Morphologie comparée des derniers segments du gastre et des genitalia mâles des Vespidae. 1. Sous-famille des Eumeninae (Hymenoptera)/Jacques Bitsch // Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 2012. т.Vol. 117,N fasc. 2.-С.199-218

International congress on invertebrate morphology(4; 2017; Moscow).Special issue devoted to the 4th International congress on invertebrate morphology - ICIM 4, Moscow, [18-23 August] 2017. [Pt. 1]. - 2017

Special issue on shaping up, the evolution of animal form: Proceedings of the Symposium onthe occasion of 40 year of active service in the Department of Morphology of Leiden University of professor Dr. Gart Arie Zweers, 5 July 2002, Leiden,the Netherland/Ed.: H. Berkhoud. - 2003

Gage The brain of Diemyctylus viridescens from larval to adult life and comparisons with the brain of Amia and of Petromyzon/Susanna Phelps Gage. - 1893

Giannini The chiropteran premaxilla: a reanalysis of morphological variation and its phylogenetic interpretation/Norberto P. Giannini, Nancy B. Simmons. - 2007

Radinsky The evolution of vertebrate design/Leonard Radinsky. - 1987
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