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[Papers from the Workshop on the Deep sea fishes of the northern Red Sea, was held at the Interuniversitary Institute for Marine Scieces, Elat, Israle, in Jan.1993]. - 1993

Yonow N. Sea slugs of the Red Sea/N. Yonow. - 2008

Fauna of Arabia. Vol. 22. - 2006

Wronski The molluscan bio-fouling community on the Red Sea pearl oyster beds (Mollusca: Pteriidae)/Torsten Wronski // Zoology in the Middle East ; vol. 51. -Heidelberg, 2010.-С.67-73

Freinschlag Shrimp-gobies in the southern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea) (Osteichthyes: Gobiidae)/Mario Freinschlag, Robert A. Patzner // Zoology in the Middle East ; Vol. 55. -Heidelberg, 2012.-С.41-46

Ecological studies : analysis and synthesis. Vol. 53:Hypersaline ecosystems : the Gavish Sabkha/ed. by G. M. Friedman, W. E. Krumbein in coop. with M. R. Buyce, G. Gerdes. - 1985

Reiss Ecological studies : analysis and synthesis. Vol. 50:The Gulf of Aqaba : ecological micropaleotology/Zeev Reiss, Lukas Hottinger. - 1984

Baranes The Red Sea sharks : taxonomy, biology and ecology/Albert Baranes. - 2013

Bryozoa of the Red Sea: history and current state of research/Andrew N. Ostrovsky, J. P. Cáceres-Chamizo, Norbert Vávra, B. Berning // Annals of bryozoology : aspects of the history of research on bryozoans ; 3. -Dublin, 2011.-С.67-97