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Поисковый запрос: (<.>K=North Sea<.>)
Общее количество найденных документов : 10
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Campos W. L. A comparative study of the distribution of dab (Limanda limanda ((Linnaeus, 1758)) and flounder (Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758)) larvae in the southeastern North Sea, with notes of their sensory development/by Wilfredo L. Campos. - 1996

Yang A survey of ciliates at the long-term sampling station "Helgoland Roads", North Sea/Jinpeng Yang, Martin Günther Joachim Löder, Karen Helen Wiltshire // Helgoland marine research; vol. 68, № 2. -Heidelberg, 2014.-С.313-327

Thiel Die Fischfauna europäischer Ästuare : eine Strukturanalyse mit Schwerpunkt Tideelbe/Ralf Thiel. - 2011

Die Tierwelt des Küstengrundwassers bei Schilksee (Kieler Bucht). 4:Nematoden aus dem Küstengrundwasser/von Erich Schulz. - [1935]

Cornils First report of the planktonic copepod Oithona davisae in the northern Wadden Sea (North Sea): Evidence for recent invasion?/Astrid Cornils, Britta Wend-Heckmann // Helgoland marine research; vol. 69, № 2. -Heidelberg, 2015.-С.243-248

Gebhardt Identification of cephalopod species from the North and Baltic Seas using morphology, COI and 18S rDNA sequences/Katharina Gebhardt, Thomas Knebelsberger // Helgoland marine research; vol. 69, № 3. -Heidelberg, 2015.-С.259-271

Turkay M. On the occurrence of the thumbnail crab Thia scutellata in the inner German Bight/M. Turkay // Helgoland marine research ; vol. 65, N 2. -Heidelberg, 2011.-С.103-109

Species richness and diversity across rocky intertidal elevation gradients in Helgoland: testing predictions from an environmental stress model/Ricardo A. Scrosati, Amanda S. Knox, Nelson Valdida, Markus Molis // Helgoland marine research ; vol. 65, N 2. -Heidelberg, 2011.-С.91-102

Barenbrock J.S. Tunikaten (Ascidiacea) der Nordsee: chemische Oekologie und pharmakologisches Potential/J. S. Barenbrock. - 2006

Kreis H. A. Zur Kenntnis der freilebenden marinen Nematoden/von Dr. Hans A. Kreis. - [1924]