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Поисковый запрос: (<.>A=Kornakova, Elena E.$<.>)
Общее количество найденных документов : 3
Показаны документы с 1 по 3

Joffe On phylogenetic roots of the Neodermata (the classes of the parasitic Plathelminthes)/Boris I. Joffe, Elena E. Kornakova // Proceedings of the Zoological institute RAS, 1998. т.Vol. 276.-С.83-90

Kornakova On the turbellarian roots of the Neodermata and the origin of the Trematoda/Elena E. Kornakova // Proceedings of the Zoological institute RAS, 2001. т.Vol. 289.-С.103-116

Kornakova The ultrastructure of the flame bulbs in parasitic turbellarian Notentera ivanovi (Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria, Fecampiidae) - novel filtration - secretory apparatus/Elena E. Kornakova // ICIM - 4 : International congress on invertebrate morphology, Moscow, Moscow state university, 18-23 August 2017 : program & abstracts. -Москва, 2017.-С.179