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Поисковый запрос: (<.>A=Beddard, Frank Evers$<.>)
Общее количество найденных документов : 36
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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-36 

Sherlock History of the earthworm collections at the Natural History Museum, London (Oligochaeta)/Emma Sherlock, Louise Berridge // Zoology in the Middle East. Suppl. ; 4. -Heidelberg, 2012.-С.177-187

Beddard F. E. Animal coloration/by Frank E. Beddard. - 1892

Fauna hawaiiensis or the zoology of the Sandwich (Hawaiian) isles being results of the explorations instituted by the Joint Committtee appointed by the Royal Society of London for promoting natural knowledge and the British Association for the advancement of science and carried on with the assistance of those bodies and of the trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum at Honolulu. Vol. 2, pt. 4. - 1900

Beddard F. E. Earthworms and their allies/by Frank E. Beddard. - 1912

Beddard F. E. A monograph of the order of Oligochaeta/by Frank Evers Beddard. - 1895

Beddard F. E. The structure and classification of birds/by Frank E. Beddard. - 1898

Beddard F. E. A text-book of zoogeography/by Frank E. Beddard. - 1895

Beddard F. E. The classification and distribution of earthworms/by Frank E. Beddard. - [1890-1891)

Beddard F. E. Contributions to the anatomy of the anthropoid apes/by Frank E. Beddard. - 1893

Beddard F. E. Contributions to the natural history of an annelid of the genus Dero/by Frank E. Beddard. - [1889]
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