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ЭК отдела БАН при Физико-техническом институте им. А.Ф.Иоффе РАН (ФТИ) - результаты поиска

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1.    Springer eBooks

    Goodman, J. M.
    Space weather and telecommunications [Electronic resource] : научное издание / J.M. Goodman. - Boston : Springer Science + Business Media, 2005. - 382 p. - (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science ; SECS 782 ). - ISBN eBooks 0-387-23671-6. - ISBN 0-387-23670-8 : Б. ц.
Электронная книга находится на постоянном доступе по адресу: http://ebooks.springerlink.com

Рубрики: Физика

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
телекоммуникации -- космическая погода
Аннотация: Space weather has an enormous influence on modern telecommunication systems even though we may not always appreciate it. We shall endeavor throughout this monograph to expose the relationships between space weather factors and the performance (or lack thereof) of telecommunication, navigation, and surveillance systems. Space weather is a rather new term, having found an official expression as the result of several government initiatives that use the term in the title of programs. But it is the logical consequence of the realization that space also has weather, just as the lower atmosphere has weather. While the weather in space will influence space systems that operate in that special environment, it is also true that space weather will influence systems that we understand and use here on terra firma. This brings space weather home as it were. It is not some abstract topic of interest to scientists alone; it is a topic of concern to all of us.

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2.    Springer eBooks

    Hanslmeier, A.
    The Sun and space weather [Electronic resource] : научное издание / A. Hanslmeier. - Boston ; New York : Kluwer Acad. Publ., 2002-2004. - 243 p. - (Astrophysics and Space Science Library ; vol. 277). - ISBN 1-4020-0684-5 . - ISBN eBook: 0-306-48211-8
Электронная книга находится на постоянном доступе по адресу: http://ebooks.springerlink.com

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Earth’s atmospherе -- Атмосфера Земли -- space weather effects -- магнитосфера Земли -- Earth’s magnetosphere
Аннотация: The book is organized as follows. First we want to give a brief review about the main source of space weather effects, our Sun. The basic physics of the Sun will be discussed since it is essential to understand the mechanisms that cause solar variability. This is necessary in order to make prediction models for space weather forecasts. Then we will speak about the influence of solar variability on the Earth’s atmosphere. There are similarities with atmospheric weather, however the most important differences between the atmospheric and space weather systems are: Meteorological processes are localized; it is possible to make good local Space weather events occur over a wide range of time scales: the Earth’s magnetosphere responds to solar-originated disturbances within only a few minutes, global reconfiguration occurs within some 10 minutes. Enhanced fluxes of energetic particles in radiation belts decay in time scales of days, months or even longer. Spaceweather predictions must rely on the input of just a few isolated measurements of the solar wind and the observations (both ground based and from space) have only a global character sometimes without details.

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