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Общее количество найденных документов : 111
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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60      

Anderson D. C. Variations in unsignaled inescapable preshock as determinants of responses to panishment/by D. Chris Anderson, John Cole and William McVaugh. - 1968

Oppenheim R. W. Color preferences in the pecking response of newly hatched ducks (Anas platyrhynches)/by Ronald W. Oppenheim. - 1968

Mackintosh N. J. Further analysis of the overtraining reversal effect/by N. J. Mackintosh. - 1969

Thompson R. Localization of the "visual memory system" in the white rat/by Robert Thompson. - 1969

Wilson R. S. Cardiac response: determinants of conditioning/by Ronald S. Wilson. - 1969

Goddard G. V. Analysis of avoidance conditioning following cholinergic stimulation of amygdala in rats/by Graham V. Goddard. - 1969

Coital behavior in dogs. 5: Effects of estrogen and progesterone on mating and other forms of social behavior in the bitch/by Frank A. Beach and Ariel Merari. - 1970

Beck C. H. Speed, accuracy, and strength of forelimb movement after unilateral pyramidotomy in rhesus monkeys/by Charles H. Beck and W. W. Chambers. - 1970

Coital behavior in dogs. 6:Long-term effects of castration upon mating in the male/by Frank A. Beach. - 1970

Правоторов Зоопсихология для гуманитариев/Г. В. Правоторов. - 2001
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